Unified Hope Charity is an international organization that works with orphanage and foster care systems. We operate in India, Africa, Canada and the US to ensure every child can thrive in a nurturing family.

Since 2022, we have been dedicated to improving the lives of children. We have directly supported more than 50,000 children. Based on the 5 proven aspects of well-being that must be met for children to thrive, we developed a methodology and an app that measures and supports children in these areas. We work with local and on-the-ground partners to support the social workforce to ensure children thrive in families.

Our vision is A Family for Every Child in Our Lifetime. We are a group of committed optimists who believe all children have the right to grow up in a caring environment. Our deep belief in collaboration has led us to partner with government entities, NGOs, and people with lived experience. Learn more about our global and local initiatives.